Step-by-Step Guide: Set up a Code-First GraphQL Node Server
Spin up a great server stack in 15 minutes

If you’ve read my first article on GraphQL Nexus, you know we have a strong preference at Knit for building GraphQL servers with Nexus and Prisma. One of the benefits of this technology is the speed with which we can spin up a server.
This is a guide to how we like to set up a server using the latest versions of Nexus and Prisma. You will build a Node.js server using Express, Apollo Server, Nexus, Prisma, and TypeScript with ESLint, Prettier, and husky to help standardize your environment.
We prefer to start Nexus servers for new projects from scratch to catch any updates, but if you want to jump right in, our nexus-server-boilerplate includes all the additions listed at the end of the article.
Step 1: Initialize Project with Dependencies
npm init
npm install @prisma/client apollo-server-express dotenv express graphql@15 graphql-middleware graphql-scalars nexus
npm install -D @types/node @typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin @typescript-eslint/parser eslint eslint-config-prettier husky lint-staged prettier prisma ts-node ts-node-dev typescript
Note: Nexus is only compatible with graphql@15
Add the following tsconfig.json file to your project root.
Add the following .eslintrc file to your project root. Optionally add a .prettierrc file as well.
Lastly, you can add the following scripts to your package.json file.
Step 2: Initialize PrismaJS ORM files
npx prisma init
Change the datasource in the schema.prisma file to “postgres”.
Setup a postgresql database using docker.
docker run --name 'postgres' --detach --publish 5432:5432 -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=postgres postgres
Add a .env file at the root of the project with DATABASE_URL=<your database URL>.
Step 3: Add Generic Nexus Types
Create /src/nexusTypes/index.ts. Add generics.ts to /nexusTypes and export it from index.ts.
Step 4: Add Server Files
Add /src/server.ts.
Add /src/schema.ts.
Post Setup:
Now that you’ve installed all the base files for the project, you can update schema.prisma with your database architecture and write types in the /nexusTypes folder for each of your models.
Useful Additions:
- Prisma Soft-Delete Middleware
- Graphql-Shield Endpoint Permissions
- File upload with Graphql-Upload and AWS SDK